The Don’t Mow Let It Grow project team and volunteers are once more deeply saddened by the destruction of another of the projects stunning verges near Garvagh.
This verge has been successfully managed since 2013 in consultation with the local community for its amazing array of wildflowers and insects which has improved year on year.
An unknown individual in a blue tractor cut 3 large swaths in the middle of this verge at lunchtime on the 11th July, ignoring the project ‘Do Not Cut’ signs. This very early cut will have a detrimental effect on the verge, through cutting the flowers and grasses before they have had time to set seed and to the insect life which will be unable to complete their life cycles and are now homeless!
The project team would urge whoever is responsible to contact us to try and resolve any concerns they have regarding this verge and to for us to fully explain the benefits if this project for people and biodiversity.